Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Back from Malacca! (post muscle strain)

Hey hey I'm back! Was using the computer for the first time in 4 days yesterday only to end up with a pulled muscle on my left forearm. I stupidly thought I'd sprained my wrist or sth cos it was terribly painful and limp. Thought my hand had died on me! Anyway it got better later in the day so phew! Really should consider insuring the hands haha ~

It was a restful yet fun weekend in Malacca at our church camp, we swam, shopped around the peranankan jonker street looking at intricate kebayas and other bric bracs and swam in the hotel pool which overlooked the main town which was really cool! Last night of the camp was celebration night with the theme being the roaring 60s and 7os. Everyone came in their retro best so it was a blast! Our group was drawn to do a performance that night (we were 1 of the 5 groups drawn out of the 18 groups so what a "divine appointment" it was) and thanks to this sporting line-dancing couple who had planned to do a choreographed dance item beforehand, we were able to put up some simple dance routine which I completely forgot on stage. What a big boo boo! I'm so glad this vintage 60s mod dress fr the oppt shop came in handy for the occasion! Had some pple coming up to me to say they really wore sth like this in their younger days! Matt just wore this slightly gleaming white shirt with his collars up a la Elvis ~
Some sights and snippets of the people we went thru the camp with ~ that's my group in the bottom left. Kelvin had fake sideburns and an elvis curl on his forehead, courtesy of eyebrow pencils!! I thought 3 yr old Gabriel and the little girl in the middle picture were soooo adorable! Yeap, i got quite broody during the camp with so many cute kids running around. But nope not the right time yet. Maybe once Oriental Rose is more settled!! I'm looking forward to a rowdy home of kids! :p

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like ur retro outfit!
nicely put together :)

ouch* i hope ur hand feels better!
and I'm coming hm soon! hee`
let me know if u need brochures frm NZ yea?



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